ChromieCraft PvP statistics

The statistics count the amount of victories in  
  Battlegrounds starting from 20/12/2020


  2   -  6  
# Character Victories
1Biti 5
2Icanhide 4
2Magnolia 4
2Taflawody 4
3Livingtree 3
4Campanziate 2
4Borrek 2
4Vejovis 2
5Okej 1
5Gaardaa 1
5Class 1
5Flidar 1
5Warl 1
5Dudishun 1
5Stardance 1
5Wassw 1
5Elven 1
5Gala 1
5Billboswagin 1
5Realcamachee 1

Last 7 days

  142   -  134  
# Character Victories
1Agothoraz 28
1Magnolia 28
2Bloody 26
2Supersayan 26
3Zealburubura 25
3Warseeker 25
4Lowkick 24
5Wyldsoul 22
5Taflawody 22
6Reily 21
7Galadryal 20
8Drmantis 19
8Lunarpotato 19
9Biefstuk 18
9Ludwick 18
9Rivenmain 18
9Dumika 18
10Biti 17
10Fercho 17
11Bophades 16

This month

  375   -  386  
# Character Victories
1Reily 104
2Murke 87
3Supersayan 83
4Magnolia 78
5Warseeker 75
6Dumika 65
7Taflawody 63
7Bophades 63
8Bloody 59
9Rivenmain 55
10Ambrosex 53
11Elven 51
12Lunarpotato 50
13Wassw 45
14Borrek 43
14Saqra 43
15Biti 42
15Class 42
16Ottawia 37
17Campanziate 35


  43217   -  41945  
# Character Victories
1Reily 5964
2Dumika 5916
3Arkonia 3138
4Dakota 3022
5Bloody 2974
5Outplayed 2974
6Waikymas 2868
7Xvi 2783
8Eltnum 2572
9Rivenmain 2532
10Chobungus 2520
11Mez 2162
12Purity 2114
13Serpounce 2055
14Eledor 2035
15Brigadoon 2034
16Apatia 2009
17Rodrik 2001
18Harding 1990
19Bijo 1897

Guilds Today

Guilds Last 7 days

Guilds This month

# Guild Victories
3Gruppo d'assalto349
5Angler Management282

Guilds Overall

# Guild Victories
4Aggressive Otter20821
5La mano de plata16539

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.