ChromieCraft PvP statistics

The statistics count the amount of victories in  
  Battlegrounds starting from 20/12/2020


  2   -  4  
# Character Victories
1Campanziate 4
2Mustang 2
3Swishcorner 1
3Totemiara 1
3Edens 1
3Rowell 1
3Fiornu 1
3Kranium 1
3Bigote 1
3Warl 1
3Drakens 1

Last 7 days

  83   -  132  
# Character Victories
1Campanziate 88
2Bophades 37
3Miposhka 34
4Mustang 32
5Lunarpotato 31
6Murke 30
7Buffavento 29
8Ottawia 27
9Miien 26
10Fryevia 25
11Wassw 24
12Mengir 21
13Volpe 20
13Magnolia 20
13Elven 20
13Trolldemort 20
14Harding 18
15Mojoo 16
15Borrek 16
15Ambrosex 16

This month

  424   -  482  
# Character Victories
1Campanziate 221
2Mustang 188
3Murke 149
4Lunarpotato 129
5Ottawia 100
5Bophades 100
6Wassw 91
7Trolldemort 85
8Borrek 66
9Taflawody 65
10Elven 63
11Buffavento 62
12Kseniameow 60
12Mengir 60
13Fryevia 53
14Bloody 51
14Nightingale 51
15Dumika 49
15Ihatemondays 49
16Ambrosex 48


  43801   -  42583  
# Character Victories
1Reily 6023
2Dumika 5981
3Arkonia 3138
4Dakota 3059
5Bloody 3046
6Outplayed 2974
7Waikymas 2872
8Xvi 2783
9Eltnum 2589
10Rivenmain 2533
11Chobungus 2525
12Mez 2199
13Purity 2114
14Serpounce 2076
15Brigadoon 2050
16Apatia 2037
17Eledor 2035
18Harding 2028
19Rodrik 2027
20Elven 1966

Guilds Last 7 days

Guilds This month

Guilds Overall

# Guild Victories
4Aggressive Otter20898
5La mano de plata16894

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.