ChromieCraft PvP statistics

The statistics count the amount of victories in  
  Battlegrounds starting from 20/12/2020


  1   -  2  
# Character Victories
1Zombra 1
1Ciru 1
1Ifrida 1
1Kyrito 1
1Endi 1
1Taflawody 1
1Enderbrr 1
1Allicent 1
1Apatia 1
1Okina 1
1Lamaro 1

Last 7 days

  89   -  76  
# Character Victories
1Opalmaster 64
2Taflawody 59
3Elebad 48
4Ottawia 29
5Galante 27
6Romich 24
7Murke 19
8Nullify 18
8Sherincal 18
8Reroller 18
9Saqra 17
9Elven 17
10Rivenmain 15
11Kseniameow 14
11Rosenbrandt 14
12Msdos 13
12Kathryss 13
12Pultin 13
12Soulreaper 13
12Trolldemort 13

This month

  333   -  308  
# Character Victories
1Opalmaster 189
2Ottawia 116
3Taflawody 114
4Romich 94
5Saqra 87
6Murke 77
7Rosenbrandt 76
8Galante 68
9Kathryss 61
10Elebad 56
11Infamia 53
12Nytt 48
13Aponi 47
13Bloody 47
14Legionariox 46
14Magnolia 46
14Elven 46
15Dumika 41
16Sherincal 40
16Spartapute 40


  42079   -  40802  
# Character Victories
1Dumika 5735
2Reily 5711
3Arkonia 3138
4Dakota 2980
5Outplayed 2970
6Bloody 2853
7Waikymas 2797
8Xvi 2783
9Eltnum 2511
10Rivenmain 2405
11Chobungus 2393
12Purity 2096
13Mez 2079
14Eledor 2035
15Brigadoon 1985
16Serpounce 1968
17Apatia 1966
18Rodrik 1935
19Bijo 1894
20Javouchferal 1875

Guilds Today

Guilds Last 7 days

Guilds This month

# Guild Victories
3Gruppo d'assalto482
5Angler Management269

Guilds Overall

# Guild Victories
4Aggressive Otter21990
5La mano de plata15328

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.