Call to Arms changes

Dear Time Travelers,

Alongside the other recent PvP changes here on Chromiecraft, we can confirm we have also made changes to the ‚Call to Arms‘ rotations going forward.

We have removed all Battlegrounds which aren’t currently active from the rotation. This means as of now all current and future Call to Arms will feature only Warsong Glutch, Arathi Basin & Alterac Valley. 


The following Call to Arms changes have now been made:


Strand of the Ancients -> Arathi Basin

Isle of Conquest -> Alterac Valley

Eye of the Storm -> Warsong Gulch


A limitation to mention about this change

  • The in-game calendar will still show the old rotation still. Using the Honor menu, however, will always show which battleground is the current Call to Arms.


Naturally, as we progress through our progression plans, battlegrounds will be re-added when they become available again.


We understand this has been highly requested and has taken some work to get right. We wish you the best of luck in your future battles!

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