Karazhan & our recent community survey

Dear Time Travelers,


We are at our final T4 raid release, Karazhan!

We are happy to announce the raid will release on 20th September at 17:00 UTC (server time).

As mentioned in the latest Dev Diary, the focus will be on a single tuned difficulty with the mythic system being discontinued. It will however continue to exist for both Magtheridon’s & Gruul’s Lair. The Karazhan attunement is required to enter raid and you must complete the Nightbane quest to acquire the Blackened Urn in order to challenge Nightbane.


Our recent community survey


You will also remember we asked our community to fill out a survey, we are pleased that we had over 400 unique responses to this, a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to fill it in. Giving us feedback like this really helps us to understand the general feeling of the server and its direction, which we are really pleased to see is overwhelmingly positive! We have included some statistics and responses from the survey below:

We also asked our community the following: What would be two things you would change about Chromiecraft?

Finally, we asked you all: In your own words, what is the best thing about Chromiecraft? 


Thank you to everyone again for the helpful insights and to everyone who makes Chromiecraft the special place it is!

Screenshot by egovir

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