Mythic SSC & Hyjal – 11th December

Whilst the team are busy at work making the final preparations to Zul’Aman, the Isle of Quel’Danas & the Sunwell Plateau (a huge thank you for those who have run the raid tests as well, keep at it!), we have taken the chance to add in Mythic modes to both the previous SSC & Hyjal raids, given their current status and people still wanting a certain tsunami trinket from there.

These will be available on Chromiecraft after the weekly server restart on the 11th December, running with similar tuning they previously had before the detunes came in. We are not including TK at this moment in time due to extra work that needs doing on the raid still, with Karazhan very much being in the same boat as well. All information regarding mythic raids on Chromiecraft, click here.

In the meantime, stay tuned for the announcements regarding the release of Zul’Aman, the opening up of the Isle of Quel’Danas as well as our approach with Sunwell Plateau raid, very soon.

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