Crossfaction guilds live on Chromiecraft
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Dear Time Travelers, Since Chromiecraft started almost 18 months ago, one of the most heavily requested features was cross-faction guilds. We recently put it to a vote on our discord channel and we had a clear winner: With almost 74% voting yes to cross-faction guilds, we can now confirm this...
Transmogrification – Now live on Chromiecraft!
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Dear Time Travelers, Following on from the recent news that the armory is now live on Chromiecraft, we have some further good news to share with you all! The devs have been hard at work again, this time adding in one of the most heavily requested features here on our...
Transmogrification – Now live on Chromiecraft!
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Dear Time Travelers, Following on from the recent news that the armory is now live on Chromiecraft, we have some further good news to share with you all! The devs have been hard at work again, this time adding in one of the most heavily requested features here on our...
Ganadores de Estadisticas PvP de Marzo 2022
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Felicitaciones a nuestros ganadores de las Estadísticas PvP de Marzo 2022! Hemos distribuido 50 Chromie Points (CP) por victoria en BG al top 50 de cada grupo. Ademas de eso, por cada grupo activo, el top 5 recibirá un bonus de CP así como el titulo de ganador impecable para...
Top Contrubuidores de Marzo 2022
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Estas son las estadísticas de la actividad de desarrollo open-source para nuestro proyecto, con los Top Contribuidores de Marzo 2022. Todo el código está abierto al publico (bajo la licencia AGPL) como parte del proyecto AzerothCore, en linea con nuestra filosofía. Todos los voluntarios serán compensados con Chromie Points por...
Top Contributors of March 2022
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of March 2022 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
Diario de Desarrollo – Marzo 2022
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Hola comunidad de ChromieCraft, Queremos contarles sobre en lo que hemos estado trabajando últimamente, a manera de un blog de desarrollo, dándoles un vistazo a lo que hemos hecho entre bastidores. PvP Como ya habrán notado, hemos estado prestando mas atención al PvP. Esto ha resultado en algunos cambios que...