Server event: Chromie needs your help #3
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Please help restore the order of time! This time Chromie has trapped Crocolisk Dundee. Try and prove yourself in this server event against the famous alligator tamer! Our patron Chromie is on a mission. She has discovered an invasion of the timeline and needs your help to fight the invaders...
Sunday Chromie Promotion | +25% ChromiePoints!
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Welcome to the first ChromieCraft ChromiePoints promotion! This Sunday from 0:01 UTC to 23:59 UTC there will be a promotion on all ChromiePoints packages in the ChromieCraft Store! We want to give you the opportunity to get the two new mounts that will be added to the store as well,...
Ajustes a UBRS
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Saludos, Viajeros del Tiempo Con la nueva y bien recibida aproximación en cuanto a ajustes de incursiones en el servidor PTR al testear Molten Core, hemos decidido aplicar los mismos cambios de manera retroactiva a Cumbre Roca Negra Superior (UBRS), tanto para que sea consistente con los cambios a Molten...
UBRS Tuning Update
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Greetings, Time Travellers With the new and well received approach to raid tuning on the PTR while testing Molten Core, we've decided to retroactively apply the same adjustments to the Upper Black Rock Spire (UBRS), both to be more inline with the tuning of Molten Core, as well as to...
Top Contributors of December 2021
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of December 2021. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
Bienvenidos a ChromieCraft
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Saludos, aventureros! Es con gran gusto y honor que los introduzco a ChromieCraft, un proyecto innovador inspirado por nuestro deseo de permitir a todos los jugadores revivir una emocionante experiencia de juego en la expansión mas amada de todos los tiempos! También, gracias a todas las contribuciones de nuestra comunidad,...
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Ganadores de Estadisticas PvP de Marzo 2021
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Felicitaciones a nuestros ganadores de las Estadísticas PvP de Marzo! Ademas de las recompensas personales y exclusivas, cada jugador en la lista recibirá 25 Chromie Points por victoria. Ganadores de Estadísticas PvP de Marzo 20-29 #1 Endermer [Titulo Ganador Impecable] [Pergamino de encantar arma 2M: Impacto superior] [Controlador de MiniZepellin]...