A 2025 update – Wrath of the Lich King

Dear Time Travelers,

As always, we hope you all had a brilliant start of 2025 for you and your families, hoping you all remain as happy and healthy can be. The world is a continuously changing place, this is also being reflected here on Chromiecraft with some updates for you all as we near the release of the Sunwell Plateau and our final TBC bracket before the opening of Northrend.

Changes to the Progression plans

The entire reason for having our progression broken into brackets was to limit players to spend extended periods of time playing in specific areas, so that bug reports are made as to what is broken in those areas and the team works on fixing these. Whilst we have enough reports to keep the team busy for a few years, we also know that the main focus of Azerothcore (AC) before Chromiecraft came along was Northrend. Given the hundreds of servers that have used and continue to use AC, Northrend is in a vastly superior state compared to both Vanilla & TBC ever was. We also know that leveling brackets can cause content to become stale in a quicker manner with players completing all there is to do and then having a lack of content available for them.

We therefore are able to confirm that when Northrend opens, players will be able to level straight up to level 80 from 70 . Death Knights (DKs) will also be available after the release of SWP & before Northrend opens. A level 55 character is required on your account still in order to make the class.

All normal Wrath dungeons (minus Trial of the Champion & those tied to ICC) will be available, with Heroic versions of dungeons coming as the next bracket. We then have the first raid bracket with Naxxramas & Arena Season 5. Strand of the Ancients will also be available as the newest battleground. You can read the full breakdown of the progression changes here.

Please do remember to report all bugs on our bug-tracker, this enables our dev team to track all reports and eventually get all reports fixed! With 2217 commits to the core in just 2024 alone, we know we have a few years ahead of us still of bugs to be squashed to come!

Northrend is open on the PTR already and we thank those who have already begun making reports. As a reminder, upon the opening of Northrend, Wrath Glyphs will be removed from players and the NPCs selling them will also go, ensuring those with Inscription can have a say in the market as per our original announcement when these were brought in.

PVP changes

As announced in the 10th Dev Diary, there are a number of changes that have been made or are currently being developed. Group queue is back live on Chromiecraft (teams up to 3 people can queue together) and there is a rolling daily Call to Arms now (weekend Call to Arms remains the same). Work is going on around Seasonal PvP rewards and allowing alts and new players to better gear themselves for the battlefield.

Community Changes

We always strive to make Chromiecraft as welcoming for all as a videogame as possible. That means people being able to escape the trials and tribulations of the real world and immerse themselves into Azeroth. There are plenty of places on the internet to discuss politics or to be an edgelord, Chromiecraft isn’t this place. Our rules are having a slight overhaul to simplify them and have them easier to understand and follow.

Whilst our mod-log on Discord was originally put in place to show people we take action to enforce our rules, it lead to a tribalistic approach by players and a way to bully people in the last few months and therefore no longer achieved its aim. We have archived the channel and instead will provide monthly statistics on actions taken on the monthly contributors posts instead.

Amendments to Recruit-A-Friend

Changes have been made to the Recruit-A-Friend (RAF) system, with it now running up to level 70 and will continue for 30 days on all characters on the account. RAF is available for all accounts under 7 days old.

A massive thank you to each and every contributor who continues to make a difference with our mission of having the best open-source core out there for anybody to enjoy a Wrath of the Lich King server for free, forever! Have a brilliant rest of your day.

Lots of love,
The Chromiecraft team.

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