Post has published by AmrxFlash

On Chromiecraft, we have two raids currently where we have a ‘Mythic’ mode enabled (three when Black Temple comes out). This gives raiders a much stronger challenge than the Normal mode, giving a test to those who find the default tune too easy.

To enable Mythic mode, upon entry into the raid, you have Chromie awaiting you, giving you the opportunity to run the raid in Mythic mode:

Only the raid leader can change between the Normal and Mythic mode. Once activated, the raid leader will get a whisper from Chromie confirming this. If you do not interact with Chromie, the raid will remain on ‘Normal’ mode.

For each boss you kill in Mythic mode, you get given 1 point towards your mythic score. Should you find the mythic raid too difficult, you can go back to the start of the raid and the raid leader can switch back to ‘Normal’ mode. You are only given points for the bosses you kill in Mythic mode. For example, you clear 3 bosses in Mythic in Black Temple, then switch back to Normal then finish the rest of the raid. You will obtain 3 points only.

With that score, you are able to purchase items in Shattrath from the raid in question.
IMPORTANT: Scores earnt in a raid can only be used to purchase items from that raid. I.E – score earnt in Black Temple, only allows you to buy Black Temple gear. YOU MUST CLEAR THE RAID IN ITS ENTIRETY AND KILL THE LAST BOSS IN MYTHIC MODE TO BE ABLE TO PURCHASE GEAR FROM THAT RAID, . If you do not complete the raid, you won’t be able to purchase anything from Chromie for that raid tier.

Currently, Mythic mode is supported on the Gruul’s & Magtheridon’s Lair raids and will be supported on the Black Temple raid upon its release. We are looking into the feasibility of reenabling Mythic mode on prior released TBC raids potentially at a later date (not confirmed).

Not all gear will be available to purchase using Mythic points, for example the Twin Blades of Azzinoth will be omitted.

To confirm:

  • You don’t lose any points when switching
  • You can’t change back to mythic if bosses are dead
  • You can change to normal any time
  • You get points for every boss you kill as long as mythic mode is on
  • Due to the amount of bosses in Black Temple, gear costs exponentially higher than the ones offered in the previous tiers

We have designed this as a way to reward clearing the difficulty at a much higher level, with multiple mythic clears needed before one can get a piece of gear from said raid.

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