June 2022 Development Diary
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Greetings, Time-Travelers! I'm Nyeriah, one of the developers working on Chromiecraft and I am here once again bringing you the latest news from the development front. Zul'Gurub The past month was especially rough for most of us with all of the real-life responsibilities we had to deal with...
Costumes / Player morphs now available on Chromiecraft
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Dear Time Travelers, We have a new service available for all players now live in our shop - player costumes are now available for purchase! Once purchased these are permanently in your inventory, even better they are bind on account so you can share this with your alts when wanted....
Armería – Ahora en ChromieCraft!
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¡Tenemos noticias fantásticas, queridos Viajeros del Tiempo! Lord Roboto ha trabajado extremadamente duro, implementando una armería propia para Chromiecraft! Esto ha sido una gran labor desde cero la cual esperamos les agrade tanto como a nosotros! A continuación, algunas de sus funciones: - Un render 3D de tu personaje,...
Armory – Now live on Chromiecraft!
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We have some fantastic news, our dearest Time Travelers! Lord Roboto has been extremely hard at work, implementing an armory fit for Chromiecraft! This has been an enormous piece of work done from scratch which we hope you will all love as much as we all do! Below are...
Development Diary – March 2022
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Hello ChromieCraft Community, We wanted to let you know what we have been working on lately, by means of a 'development' post/blog giving you an insight into what we have been doing recently behind the scenes. PvP As you may have noticed, we have been paying some more attention to...
Actualizaciones: Tamaños de incursiones, medallas PvP BG, llamado a las armas en CC!
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Queridos Viajeros del Tiempo, Ya vamos 2 incursiones dentro de nuestros planes de progresión (26 incursiones hasta Santuario Rubi), con Molten Core & Onyxia ya estrenadas. El equipo ha estado trabajando duro para encontrar el balance correcto, tanto en ajustes de las incursiones, como sus tamaños. anunciamos que Molten Core...
Chromiecraft updates – Raid Sizes, PvP BG medals, CC Call to Arms!
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Dear Time Travelers, We are two raids into our progression plans currently (26 raids to go until Ruby Sanctum), with Molten Core & Onyxia now released. The team has been working hard to find the right balance here. This is in terms of both tunings of raids, as well as...