Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper


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December 2023 Battleground winners

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Congratulations to our December 2023 Battleground winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BGs to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, the top 10 players with the most victories will receive a bonus of extra CP and the winner of the most BG wins will obtain the [Flawless Victor] + [PvPstats...
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A year in review – Chromiecraft 2023

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Dear Time Travelers, Its the end of 2023 and what a year its been! We started the year with fresh faces in the Outlands and a level cap of 64, 8 brackets later SSC is our current bracket at the time of writing and The Eye (Tempest Keep) has had...
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Hamsterwheel’s Dummy DPS pt. 4

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Hello again! It’s time again to show what you’ve got and beat the hell out of our favourite victim: the Training Dummy! Hamsterwheel is looking forward to your company on June 10th, 19.00 server time! Like in the past, there are no signups required. So just look at the /world...
ChromieCraft 40-49 Tanaris Wallpaper

The road to 40-49

Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper
THE RESULTS ARE IN. There is roughly a 57/43 split between people who want the earliest release date and people that want the latest release date. As the poll results are split so we have come to a compromise. We are proud to announce that: On the 2nd 3rd of...
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Q&A with the Admins of ChromieCraft

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Dear players, About 3 weeks ago, we posted on #❕︱community-quests about our QnA with the admins, and - we delivered! The ChromieCraft admins have answered the majority of your questions. This covers raids, progression, inspiration for the project, time spent working on the server. But also favourite beer or whiskey...
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Souldbound BoE items from the Reward Catalogue

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Dear Contributors and Donators, Starting from today, all items players order from the Rewards Catalogue are soulbound upon arrival. It was never intended for our players to be able to sell these items on the auction house. So we came up with a technical solution to combat this issue. If...
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Mid-bracket news

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Hello ChromieCraft community! We have some new features ready to fulfill your wildest dreams of possible challenges.   30-39 is now stable Following the next restart '.beta activate' won't be required anymore. You did a great job reporting bugs in the current bracket and our developers are working hard to...
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50-59 Tier 0 A Release Date

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Dear Time Travelers, Firstly, a huge warm welcome to all of our new players here on Chromiecraft. We have been hitting new population peaks on an almost daily basis. As of this announcement we have hit a new connection peak record of 803 players! It feels like such a long time...
ChromieCraft loves AzerothCore

ChromieCraft sponsoring the AzerothCore open-source development

Post has published by shin
Dear time travellers, we are ready for the next step! In order to advance the project and ensure that people with the necessary talents to deliver high-quality software are available to us, we have decided to pay some freelance developers directly for their work. By offering payments to people who...
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¡Recluta a un amigo ya está disponible!

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Nuevo sistema Recluta a un amigo ¡Dile el ID de tu cuenta a tus amigos! Escribe .raf en el juego para conocer el número de identificación de tu cuenta para la función Recluta a un amigo. También puedes ver el número desde el sitio web. Allí aparece como "Código personal...
ChromieCraft artwork by SynfulSyn

Top Contributors of July 2021

Post has published by shin
These are the statistics about the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of July 2021. Featured image by Synful Syn#8234 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers...

Adjustment of poorly aged data

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Dear Time Travellers, We understand that playing on ChromieCraft is a hobby and a sanctuary. So it should not contain poorly aged data. While enjoying our content, we don't want to force anybody to be confronted with real-world issues. For that reason, we've decided to alter or remove references to...
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Ganadores de Estadisticas PvP de Abril 2023

Post has published by amberhaze2
Felicitaciones a nuestros ganadores de las Estadísticas PvP de Abril 2023! Hemos distribuido 50 Chromie Points (CP) por victoria en BG al top 50 de cada grupo. Ademas eso, en los 3 grupos mas jugados, el top 5  recibirá un bonus de CP así como el titulo de [Ganador Impecable]...
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Top Contribuidores de Abril 2023

Post has published by amberhaze2
Estas son las estadísticas de la actividad de desarrollo open-source para nuestro proyecto, con los Top Contribuidores de Abril 2023. Todo el código está abierto al publico (bajo la licencia AGPL) como parte del proyecto AzerothCore, en linea con nuestra filosofía. Todos los voluntarios serán compensados con Chromie Points por...
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Top Contributors of April 2023

Post has published by AmrxFlash
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of April 2023. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
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April 2023 PvPstats Winners

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Congratulations to our March 2023 PvPstats winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BG to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, per the top 2 most played brackets, the top 5 players will receive a bonus of extra CP and the winners of the two most active brackets...
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Challenge Modes on Chromiecraft

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Dear Time Travelers, ChromieCraft has always had a goal in mind, to run and fix all content possible and to perfect AzerothCore as much as possible, having an open-source and forever free quality core for the community to use for decades to come. Our unique progression system & leveling brackets...
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