Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper

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Mid-bracket news

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Hello ChromieCraft community! We have some new features ready to fulfill your wildest dreams of possible challenges.   30-39 is now stable Following the next restart '.beta activate' won't be required anymore. You did a great job reporting bugs in the current bracket and our developers are working hard to...
ChromieCraft YouTube contest

ChromieCraft YouTube video contest

Post has published by shin
Dear time travellers, we are excited to announce our new ChromieCraft YouTube contest! What is the contest about? The contest is about creating YouTube videos about ChromieCraft in order to advertise our community. There are no fixed rules about the type of content: it can be a funny video, or...

⚡ Noticias Flash

How to Connect

set realmlist

Crear una cuenta

En primer lugar, tienes que crear una cuenta.


ChromieCraft - Instalar cliente

Cambiar realmlist

Necesitarás un cliente 3.3.5a para conectarte al servidor. Una vez que tengas un cliente 3.3.5a, cambia la realmlist borrando todo el texto dentro de Data/enUS/ sustituyéndolo por:


Nota de ChromieCraft


Inicia el juego. Conéctate utilizando tu nombre de cuenta y contraseña (NO te conectes con el correo electrónico).


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«The open-source is not only our philosophy: it is our strength.»
ChromieCraft && AzerothCore

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