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Top Contributors of December 2024
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of December 2024. All code has been released to the public (we are currently undergoing a relicensing effort from AGPL3 to GPLv2+, read more about it here) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our...
Tu Nueva Herramienta Para La Aventura: La SmartStone
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¡Saludos, viajeros en el tiempo! Tenemos algo realmente emocionante que compartir, algo que ni siquiera los Dragones de Bronce vieron venir (bueno, quizá sí): ¡la Piedra Inteligente! Este artefacto místico cambia las reglas del juego, ya que nos permite centralizar todas esas prácticas funciones personalizadas a las que solías acceder...
⚡ Noticias Flash
Zul’Aman – 8th January
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Changelogs: 06/11 – 04/12 2024
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This month brought a treasure trove of improvements, fixes, and quality-of-life changes designed to make your time on ChromieCraft smoother and more authentic. Our dedicated team has been hard at work refining instance encounters, adjusting open-world mechanics, polishing class interactions, and enhancing seasonal events. From re-tuned boss behaviors and corrected...
How to Connect
Crear una cuenta
En primer lugar, tienes que crear una cuenta.
Descargar el cliente
Necesitarás un Cliente ChromieCraft para conectarte al servidor o puedes cambiar la dirección en tu cliente compatible a:
iniciar sesion.chromiecraft.com
Inicia el juego. Conéctate utilizando tu nombre de cuenta y contraseña (NO te conectes con el correo electrónico).

This server is proudly based on AzerothCore
«The open-source is not only our philosophy: it is our strength.»
ChromieCraft && AzerothCore
ChromieCraft is a fan-made experience that delves deeper into exploring the original lore of the game.
World of Warcraft remains the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.
World of Warcraft remains the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.