Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper

El servidor PVE de código abierto totalmente progresivo.
Powered by AzerothCore y basado en
Wrath of the Lich King.

📢 Aspectos destacados

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Top Contributors of December 2021

Post has published by Valsery
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of December 2021. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
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One year of ChromieCraft

Post has published by shin
AzerothCore overall activity ChromieCraft has had a tremendous impact on the development activity of the AzerothCore (AC) MMO framework. We have been able to attract new contributors as well as hire dedicated developers for AzerothCore. All our improvements have been always pushed directly under the main AzerothCore GitHub Organisation and...
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⚡ Noticias Flash

ChromieCraft Animated Background

6 months of ChromieCraft

Post has published by shin
Nothing lasts forever... One day, ChromieCraft will die. Just like all other gaming servers and almost everything in life. Many servers last only a few months, some servers last several years, a few for decades. We, of course, hope this day will be very far in the future. But let's...
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/godlike-core/shortcodes/nk-posts-list.php on line 207

Vote the poll for the 30-39 release date

Post has published by shin
We've just created a poll to let the community decide which date will the 30-39 contents be released. The possible options are: 1st May 29th May 5th June 3rd July The poll is on discord. If you have never joined our discord server, click here first.

How to Connect

set realmlist

Crear una cuenta

En primer lugar, tienes que crear una cuenta.


ChromieCraft - Instalar cliente

Cambiar realmlist

Necesitarás un cliente 3.3.5a para conectarte al servidor. Una vez que tengas un cliente 3.3.5a, cambia la realmlist borrando todo el texto dentro de Data/enUS/ sustituyéndolo por:


Nota de ChromieCraft


Inicia el juego. Conéctate utilizando tu nombre de cuenta y contraseña (NO te conectes con el correo electrónico).


This server is proudly based on AzerothCore

«The open-source is not only our philosophy: it is our strength.»
ChromieCraft && AzerothCore

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