Heroic Dungeon release & other miscellaneous changes
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Dear Time Travelers, What a long, strange road its been. To say we underestimated the work and effort needed on the TBC dungeons is putting it lightly. We thank you all for the patience shown whilst we tackled these issues (including several complete re-writes). The team have been extremely...
Top Contributors of April 2023
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of April 2023. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
Terrallende – 14 de Diciembre
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Queridos Viajeros del Tiempo, Primero, felicitaciones para ambas facciones por completar la Campaña Solidaria en el 14 de Octubre. Con los materiales en camino a Silithus y el gong listo para ser sonado, AQ40 estará disponible el 20 de Octubre. Con eso, hemos completado nuestro progreso a través de...
Outlands – 14th December
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Dear Time Travelers, Firstly, congratulations on both sides completing the War Effort on 14th October. With the mats now on their way to Silithus and the gong ready to be rung, AQ40 will be available on 20th October. With that, we have completed our progression through Vanilla (all 13...
Top Contribuidores de Septiembre 2022
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Estas son las estadísticas de la actividad de desarrollo open-source para nuestro proyecto, con los Top Contribuidores de Septiembre 2022. Todo el código está abierto al publico (bajo la licencia AGPL) como parte del proyecto AzerothCore, en linea con nuestra filosofía. Todos los voluntarios serán compensados con Chromie Points por...
Top Contributors of September 2022
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of August 2022 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you like...
Evento: Chromie necesita tu ayuda! #10
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Por favor ayuda a restaurar el orden temporal! Esta vez Chromie ha capturado a un enemigo del tiempo. Pruébate a ti mismo en este evento contra Uno-Tres-Tres-Siete! Nuestra patrona Chromie está en una misión. Ha descubierto una invasión en la linea temporal y necesita tu ayuda para para luchar contra...