Create Twinks with CarbonCopy
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Dear ChromieCraft Community, We know how much you enjoy Battlegrounds and we love to see you play them every day. The lower brackets will eventually come to an end and some of you might still have desires to rewind the good old days. Of course everyone can just level a...
How to contribute to ChromieCraft
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Are you someone who enjoys contributing to a community you’re a part of? Then you’ve come to the right place! ChromieCraft is a non-profit project, built on AzerothCore and fully managed by volunteers who believe in the power of open-source. If you’d like to support the project, there’s no need...
Estreno de Sets PvP Classic!
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Queridos viajeros del tiempo, El 2 de Octubre estrenamos la fase mas reciente, 50-59. Seguidamente, el 1ro de Noviembre nuevos sets PvP serán obtenibles, restaurando los de Classic que habían sido desactivados en WoTLK. ¿Cuales son estos ítems? Clase Nombre del set Druida Santuario de Teniente Coronel Cazador Perseverancia del...
Top Contributors of November 2021
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of November 2021. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
November 2021 PvPstats winners!
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Congratulations to our November 2021 PvPstats winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BG to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, per every active bracket, the top 5 players will receive a bonus of extra CP as well as the flawless victor title for the...
Arena Tournament #2
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Greetings Time Travelers! As some of you may remember, we hosted an arena tournament a few months ago, and we feel it is high time we did another one, to close off the level 59 bracket. We will host a second edition of the ChromieCraft PvP Arena Tournament, on the...
Mas noticias acerca de progresión y las incursiones que se aproximan
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Queridos viajeros del tiempo, A continuación de nuestro artículo acerca de buffs a las incursiones, nos gustaría compartir más información acerca de la duración y los cambios relacionados a nuestros actuales planes de progresión. Como todos ustedes ya saben, Cumbre Roca Negra Inferior y la incursión Cumbre Roca Negra Superior...
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