Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper

Le royaume progressif PVE open-source
Propulsé par AC

📢 Faits marquants

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Top Contributors of November 2024

Post has published by AmrxFlash
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of November 2024. All code has been released to the public (we are currently undergoing a relicensing effort from AGPL3 to GPLv2+, read more about it here) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our...
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Mythic SSC & Hyjal – 11th December

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Whilst the team are busy at work making the final preparations to Zul'Aman, the Isle of Quel'Danas & the Sunwell Plateau (a huge thank you for those who have run the raid tests as well, keep at it!), we have taken the chance to add in Mythic modes to both...
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⚡ Flash news

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Black Friday Sale Extended Until Cyber Monday!

Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper
Great news, ChromieCraft community! 🎉 Due to popular demand, our Black Friday sale is being extended all the way until Cyber Monday! That means you have more time to save 20% on all ChromiePoints and power up your adventures. Don't miss out on this extended opportunity to grab ChromiePoints at...
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Changelogs 30/10 – 07/11

Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper
Jeu Instance Plateau Sunwell Les vindicateurs à lame de soleil lancent désormais correctement le sort de frappe mortelle. Les éclaireurs à la lame de soleil ont maintenant une détection de la furtivité ainsi qu'une pénalité de chance de toucher à deux mains. Différents paquets de créatures ont été reliés entre...
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How to Connect

Créer un compte

Tout d’abord, vous devez créer un compte.


ChromieCraft - Installer le client

Télécharger le client

Tu auras besoin d’un client ChromieCraft pour te connecter au serveur ou tu peux changer l’adresse sur ton client compatible pour :

ChromieCraft Note


Lancez le jeu. Connectez-vous à l’aide de votre nom de compte et de votre mot de passe (ne vous connectez PAS à l’aide de votre adresse électronique).

This server is proudly based on AzerothCore

« The open-source is not only our philosophy: it is our strength. »
ChromieCraft && AzerothCore

ChromieCraft is a fan-made experience that delves deeper into exploring the original lore of the game.
World of Warcraft remains the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.

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