Le royaume progressif PVE open-source
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📢 Faits marquants
Mid-bracket news
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Hello ChromieCraft community! We have some new features ready to fulfill your wildest dreams of possible challenges. 30-39 is now stable Following the next restart '.beta activate' won't be required anymore. You did a great job reporting bugs in the current bracket and our developers are working hard to...
30-39 available in early-access
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Dear ChromieCraft community, The 30-39 is now available in early access! You can become a beta tester by typing the .beta activate in-game command. This will mark your character as a beta tester and allow it to exp further to 39. You can go and test the new content and...
⚡ Flash news
How to Connect
Créer un compte
Tout d’abord, vous devez créer un compte.
Télécharger le client
Tu auras besoin d’un client ChromieCraft pour te connecter au serveur ou tu peux changer l’adresse sur ton client compatible pour :
Lancez le jeu. Connectez-vous à l’aide de votre nom de compte et de votre mot de passe (ne vous connectez PAS à l’aide de votre adresse électronique).

This server is proudly based on AzerothCore
« The open-source is not only our philosophy: it is our strength. »
ChromieCraft && AzerothCore
ChromieCraft is a fan-made experience that delves deeper into exploring the original lore of the game.
World of Warcraft remains the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.
World of Warcraft remains the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.