2.1) We will perma-ban for any kind of automation/botting or the use of cheats or hacks. That is for any and all accounts associated with the accused player. No discussions, no appeals.
2.2) When you queue for BGs or the dungeon finder, you need to accept the invite or leave the queue and attend and actively play when you join. AFK-ing (also on a second toon in dungeons) is not allowed. Demanding a kick/holding a party hostage is griefing.
2.3) No win-trading, no abuse of any queues/bugs/exploits or use of game mechanics in a way that is not intended.
2.4) Any Ill-gotten gains from whatever broken rule will be taken away. Testing bugs can be done on the PTR and NOT the main realm.
2.5) No-safe spotting in all kinds of PvP. This covers any situation when you can not be attacked at all where your character resides or only by certain classes/specs/professions.
2.6) No griefing. Examples are repeated killing of quest NPCs in lower-level areas, as well as tricking players into flagging them for PvP.
Using multiple accounts / Multiboxing
3.1) Every user can own and use up to 5 accounts total. As soon as you’re logged in with 2 accounts, these rules apply. No matter what your characters do. If you’re logged into multiple accounts simultaneously, play them in one place.
3.2) No PvP while using multiple accounts simultaneously in whatever way, including attacking or defending yourself. You must stay unflagged. You may not queue for PvP.
3.3) No gathering of reinforcements through summons. It is an act of war. No self-summoning or summoning of others using multiple accounts prior or during world PvP.
3.4) No rare-spawn camping with multiple accounts. No competition for any kind of spawn. Single players have priority over multiboxers. A chat message, making them aware of this rule is mandatory.
3.5) ANY action that negatively impacts the gameplay of other people, which you would normally not be able to do with 1 account only is not allowed.
3.6) Trying to log a 6th account from the same IP will lead to a failed connection attempt.
3.7) Any and all attempts to bypass the 5-accounts-per-IP limit to create and/or play more than 5 accounts for a single player (no matter if at once or one after another) will lead to permanent bans. If you own more than 5 accounts, you need to abandon the extra accounts. Open a #🆘︱support-ticket and we will help you.
4.1) Anyone not respecting the above is at risk of a permanent account ban and complete deletion of their characters.
4.2) We reserve rights to take action against any and all accounts which we associate with a player who violated our rules. There will be no arguments regarding roommates, family members, cats sleeping on the keyboard or stolen accounts in a public wi-fi. All players are responsible for the security of their accounts themselves. Just like you are legally responsible for any crimes perpetrated from your own home network.
4.3) Staff members reserve the right to take action for any malicious behavior, even if not explicitly covered in these rules. These rules may also be updated without notice at any time.
If you need to ask if a thing is allowed, it is 99.9% NOT.