Outlands & Northrend glyphs coming to Chromiecraft
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Dear Time Travelers, With the next weekly update, we are adding glyph vendors for both Outland & Northrend glyphs. These glyphs are all the glyphs that currently cannot be made by scribes. So those that require Outland/Northrend herbs and skill levels from 300-450 from later content. To confirm the new...
June 2022 Development Diary
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Greetings, Time-Travelers! I'm Nyeriah, one of the developers working on Chromiecraft and I am here once again bringing you the latest news from the development front. Zul'Gurub The past month was especially rough for most of us with all of the real-life responsibilities we had to deal with...
Diario de Desarrollo – Abril 2022
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Saludos, Viajeros del Tiempo! Es hora de la segunda edición de nuestro mensual Diario de Desarrollo! Hoy hablaremos del trabajo que hemos realizado en el ultimo mes, mientras nos preparábamos para la salida de Guarida Alanegra, así como nuestros planes a futuro y contenido en desarrollo que podrán esperar relativamente...
Development Diary – April 2022
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Greetings, time-travelers! It's time for our second edition of our monthly Development Diary! Today I'll be going over some of the work we have done in the past month as we readied ourselves for the Blackwing Lair release as well as some of our future plans and content that are...
Mas Ajustes al PvP
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Queridos Entusiastas del PvP, Ya es hora de ver nuevamente el estado de los campos de batalla. La versión 3.3.5 del juego tiene mayores niveles de daño y curación comparado a vanilla, mientras que la supervivencia no incrementó mucho a pesar de tener los talentos de WoTLK disponibles. Con el...
Further PvP Tuning
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Dear PvP-Enthusiasts, It's about time to try and look into the state of battlegrounds once more. The 3.3.5 version of the game has largely increased damage and healing outputs compared to vanilla, while survivability didn't increase as much despite wrath talents being available. With BWL gear now available, this gap...
Transmogrificación – Ahora en Chromiecraft!
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Queridos Viajeros del Tiempo, Seguido de las noticias recientes sobre la adición de la armería en Chromiecraft, tenemos mas buenas noticias para compartir con ustedes! Los devs han estado trabajando duro nuevamente, esta vez en una de las cosas mas pedidas en nuestro servidor: transmog. Para aquellos que no sepan...