Mythic SSC & Hyjal – 11th December
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Whilst the team are busy at work making the final preparations to Zul'Aman, the Isle of Quel'Danas & the Sunwell Plateau (a huge thank you for those who have run the raid tests as well, keep at it!), we have taken the chance to add in Mythic modes to both...
Diario di sviluppo #8 – Aggiornamenti su ZA e Sunwell
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Zul'Aman, avanti tutta! Al momento siamo concentrati a preparare l'iconica incursione di Zul'Aman per il lancio il prima possibile. Il nostro team sta lavorando duramente per assicurarsi che tutto sia pronto per un lancio senza intoppi. Ecco l'ultimo aggiornamento: Gli script iniziali sono completi: Il primo aggiornamento degli script del...
War Effort
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Dear Time Travelers, Although the entrance to the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj has been opened, we still lack the resources needed to tackle the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Working together as a single faction, we can get the necessary supplies to challenge C'Thun and end the Qiraji threat! The War Effort...
An August update – AQ20, War Effort, R12-14 gear and more!
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Dear Time Travelers, We have a lot of news to share with you all! Firstly, at the next weekly update, the Silithus quests that were currently disabled will become available on Chromiecraft. AQ-20 Secondly, we will be releasing AQ20 ahead of AQ40. AQ20 will be released...
Outlands & Northrend glyphs coming to Chromiecraft
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Dear Time Travelers, With the next weekly update, we are adding glyph vendors for both Outland & Northrend glyphs. These glyphs are all the glyphs that currently cannot be made by scribes. So those that require Outland/Northrend herbs and skill levels from 300-450 from later content. To confirm the new...
June 2022 Development Diary
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Greetings, Time-Travelers! I'm Nyeriah, one of the developers working on Chromiecraft and I am here once again bringing you the latest news from the development front. Zul'Gurub The past month was especially rough for most of us with all of the real-life responsibilities we had to deal with...
Costumes / Player morphs now available on Chromiecraft
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Dear Time Travelers, We have a new service available for all players now live in our shop - player costumes are now available for purchase! Once purchased these are permanently in your inventory, even better they are bind on account so you can share this with your alts when wanted....
DPS Contest with Hamsterwheel pt 2
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Hello ChromieCraft community, You will get another chance to prove yourself to Chromie. Hamsterwheel is going to invite you for the closing ceremony of the 20-29 bracket. It's dummy time again! Get ready to lay waste on the poorest of all training dummies for one minute. The invites start on...
Subscriptions on Chromiecraft
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Like and subscribe, where have you heard that before? Well, you can do it here, but with a twist (no likes either sorry). Are you tired of having to manually obtain your Chromiepoints? Wouldn't it be nice if you could just get them, every month, with a bonus? Well, good...
Top Contributors of February 2024
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of February 2024. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
Top Contributors of January 2024
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of January 2024. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
Tempest Keep – 13th March
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Dear Time Travelers, Let’s begin with the news you have all been waiting for. Tempest Keep/The Eye is scheduled to release on the 13th March, 17:00 UTC (Server time) The halls of the floating fortress will open and Kael’thas will be awaiting your arrival. With the creation of our new...
Contributing to Chromiecraft in 2024
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Dear Time Travelers, The New Year is upon us! We wish this year to be bigger and better than ever before for everyone (in a good way of course!). We have some changes to note in the way people can contribute to Chromiecraft going forward (specifically when it comes to...
I migliori contribuenti di settembre 2024
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Queste sono le statistiche dell'attività di sviluppo open-source del nostro progetto, con i Top Contributors di settembre 2024. Tutto il codice è stato rilasciato al pubblico (attualmente siamo in fase di ri-licenza da AGPL3 a GPLv2+, per saperne di più leggi qui) come parte del progetto AzerothCore, in linea con...
Vincitori del Battleground di settembre 2024
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Congratulazioni ai vincitori dei Battleground di settembre 2024! Abbiamo distribuito 50 Punti Chromie (CP) per ogni vittoria nei BG ai primi 50 giocatori di tutte le fasce. Inoltre, i primi 10 giocatori con il maggior numero di vittorie riceveranno un bonus di CP extra e il vincitore del maggior numero...
Diario di sviluppo #7
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Saluti, viaggiatori del tempo! Ci è voluto molto tempo, ma... il nostro ultimo diario di sviluppo è finalmente arrivato! Come sempre, siamo entusiasti di condividere gli aggiornamenti su ciò che abbiamo lavorato e su ciò che si prospetta all'orizzonte. C'è molto da dire, quindi tuffiamoci! Il Tempio Nero, non il...
Top Contributors of August 2024
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of August 2024. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
August 2024 Battleground Winners
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Congratulations to our August 2024 Battleground winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BGs to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, the top 10 players with the most victories will receive a bonus of extra CP and the winner of the most BG wins will obtain the [Flawless Victor] +...