Gnome race event!
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Greetings, time travellers This Saturday 13th at 20:00 /8 PM server time we'll be hosting a special event for those interested: A race! But hold on, it's a bit more than that. Only gnomes may participate, freshly made level 1, and without any outside help; be it items from alts,...
Blackrock Spire, Level 60 & Molten Core
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Dear Time Travellers, We are finally in a position to share with you some further news about the upcoming releases here on Chromiecraft. Firstly, UBRS & LBRS. These will be released, subject to no unforeseen issues, on the 14th November 2021. In terms of LBRS, 5 players will be able...
Top Contributors of January 2022
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of January 2022 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
January 2022 PvPstats winners!
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Congratulations to our January 2022 PvPstats winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BG to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, per every active bracket, the top 5 players will receive a bonus of extra CP as well as the flawless victor title for the...
Chromiecraft Lunar New Year Sale
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Gong hei fat choy! Happy year of the Tiger! We all hope the Year of the Tiger brings more courage, strength, confidence and hope to the world! To celebrate, we are having another sale on our store items. From 1st February until 14th February 2022, there is a 25% discount...
Return of Onyxia
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Dear Time Travelers, As per our recent trailer, Onyxia's Lair is making a return as a level 60 raid here on Chromiecraft. As always there are several questions about how it is going to be implemented which we will cover below. How will Onyxia be tuned/amended from its level 80...
Nuevo: Reordenar personajes
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Reordena tus personajes desde el sitio web Queridos Viajeros del Tiempo, La función para reordenar personajes está en vivo en https://www.chromiecraft.com/! Para reordenar personajes, entra con tu cuenta y dirígete "Mi Cuenta". Ahí haz click en "Personajes" en el menú a la izquierda. De ahí puedes arrastrar a tus personajes...