Il server open-source PVE full-progressive.
Powered by AzerothCore e basato su
Wrathof the Lich King.
📢 In evidenza
Il tuo nuovo strumento per l’avventura: La SmartStone
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Saluti, viaggiatori del tempo! Abbiamo qualcosa di veramente eccitante da condividere, qualcosa che nemmeno i Bronze Dragonflight avevano previsto (beh, forse sì): la Smartstone! Questo artefatto mistico cambia le carte in tavola, permettendoci di centralizzare tutte quelle pratiche funzioni personalizzate a cui eri abituato ad accedere tramite i comandi. Consideralo...
Top Contributors of November 2024
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These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of November 2024. All code has been released to the public (we are currently undergoing a relicensing effort from AGPL3 to GPLv2+, read more about it here) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our...
⚡ Notizie flash
Zul’Aman – 8th January
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Changelogs: 06/11 – 04/12 2024
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This month brought a treasure trove of improvements, fixes, and quality-of-life changes designed to make your time on ChromieCraft smoother and more authentic. Our dedicated team has been hard at work refining instance encounters, adjusting open-world mechanics, polishing class interactions, and enhancing seasonal events. From re-tuned boss behaviors and corrected...
How to Connect
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Cambia la realmlist
Per connetterti al server è necessario un client 3.3.5a. Una volta che hai un client 3.3.5a, modifica la realmlist eliminando tutto il testo all’interno di Data/enUS/ sostituendolo con:
Avvia il gioco. Effettua il login utilizzando il nome e la password del tuo account (NON effettuare il login con l’e-mail).
This server is proudly based on AzerothCore
“The open-source is not only our philosophy: it is our strength.”
ChromieCraft && AzerothCore
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