Guild <Synergy> of ChromieCraft

The sum of the victories of all guild members determines the guild score in the Top100.

# Character Level Kills Victories
1 Illillill 19 10871 1600
2 Spook 60 5211 106
3 Plasmashocks 60 3669 92
4 Illillilliil 50 692 77
5 Spooke 60 3965 75
6 Reevs 65 2134 67
7 Lightsfury 60 4782 49
8 Luckdemon 60 2211 46
9 Soulmate 60 1323 38
10 Spookeh 60 494 28
11 Hyperbear 60 652 24
12 Kirkas 60 902 23
12 Sht 60 1164 23
13 Illillillill 65 397 22
14 Nummaria 60 327 19
15 Plasmunlocks 60 270 18
16 Chobi 60 923 16
17 Tiam 70 275 10
17 Plasmalocks 60 148 10
18 Restospally 60 306 9
18 Scalar 60 652 9
19 Myssora 60 492 8
19 Restoshunter 60 202 8
19 Ducklemon 60 128 8
20 Illillillii 49 73 5
20 Aoibhe 60 308 5
20 Plasmabolts 60 264 5
21 Malio 60 259 4
21 Curia 60 96 4
22 Snoozleton 27 42 3
23 Plasmablocks 60 93 1
23 Firebeard 60 141 1