ChromieCraft PvP statistics

The statistics count the amount of victories in  
  Battlegrounds starting from 20/12/2020


  0   -  0  
# Character Victories

Last 7 days

  11   -  10  
# Character Victories
1Capulet 15
2Totemiara 7
3Laelya 5
4Ramsyhardman 3
5Jizzkhalifa 2
5Zugbabyzug 2
5Waltson 2
5Jelibon 2
5Melana 2
6Berryfizz 1
6Millardo 1
6Kataminoz 1
6Swishcorner 1
6Akkai 1
6Theunseen 1
6Addon 1
6Morakan 1
6Notley 1
6Whitecrush 1
6Pytou 1

This month

  41   -  48  
# Character Victories
1Loodi 22
2Capulet 16
3Enrik 8
3Fleabagg 8
3Desiire 8
3Totemiara 8
4Mestiza 7
5Castrator 6
5Ramsyhardman 6
5Glnext 6
6Laelya 5
6Chizuru 5
7Turokk 4
7Cursemcgee 4
7Zugbabyzug 4
7Boern 4
8Ninodangelo 3
8Jizzkhalifa 3
8Magiabaiser 3
8Jelibon 3


  13916   -  12920  
# Character Victories
1Reily 2572
2Dumika 2414
3Xvi 1894
4Arkonia 1649
5Rivenmain 1628
6Apatia 1581
7Ap 1478
8Waikymas 1343
9Bloody 1292
10Elven 1286
11Saturn 1214
12Rodrik 1198
13Serpounce 1147
14Chobungus 1105
15Purity 1054
16Outplayed 1020
17Brigadoon 1009
18Erox 982
19Eledor 960
20Prevention 936

Guilds Today

# Guild Victories

Guilds Last 7 days

Guilds This month

Guilds Overall

# Guild Victories
4La mano de plata6894
5The Hug Gang6447

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.