Guild <Ominous> of ChromieCraft

The sum of the victories of all guild members determines the guild score in the Top100.

# Character Level Kills Victories
1 Bloody 70 100901 3048
2 Rivenmain 70 80368 2533
3 Apatia 70 50461 2037
4 Saqra 70 66576 1716
5 Murke 70 47685 1377
6 Ogrim 70 35763 1102
7 Taflawody 70 22521 993
8 Hoax 70 41169 876
9 Aponi 70 26242 822
10 Vlad 70 24184 795
11 Grimreefa 70 32730 789
12 Kathian 70 22663 608
13 Dyun 70 22088 557
13 Bophades 70 18737 557
14 Crueltina 70 20551 531
15 Bonehead 70 20271 515
16 Bab 70 21063 514
17 Lythiel 70 22700 513
18 Toga 70 25998 468
19 Kaeltarace 70 13062 392
20 Pontikka 70 14883 385
21 Costcodog 70 11380 370
22 Ecy 70 9303 341
23 Hurt 70 12904 329
24 Cytrus 70 13206 327
25 Chickenstorm 70 11794 307
26 Backy 70 11471 305
27 Shero 70 7727 304
28 Kinnulol 70 7473 264
29 Touga 70 8311 258
30 Lovinyou 70 11356 223
31 Parashan 70 6673 220
32 Hotwheelz 70 6638 207
33 Walhalla 70 5480 178
34 Kinnu 70 5408 174
35 Diedudy 70 6913 160
36 Lynara 70 5817 157
36 Youss 70 5034 157
36 Theeagle 70 6354 157
37 Roguefails 70 3696 156
38 Scrowman 70 6800 154
39 Fardenolar 70 6192 153
39 Darkestnight 70 8249 153
40 Ovideatza 70 6525 140
41 Noqa 70 4667 131
41 Arcyo 70 4052 131
42 Enrael 70 6566 130
43 Buffavento 70 3086 122
44 Suspiria 70 4222 119
45 Lotr 70 3550 114
46 Vardin 70 3058 104
47 Dyenne 70 3042 103
48 Idjia 70 4290 101
49 Palapin 70 4839 100
50 Grotor 70 3452 99
51 Orvar 70 4581 95
52 Bourbonic 70 2995 94
53 Fateless 70 2693 92
54 Echos 70 4472 91
54 Frank 70 6509 91
54 Linton 70 3800 91
55 Knee 70 2250 89
56 Vraud 70 2837 87
56 Mercredi 70 3158 87
57 Qzie 70 2424 84
58 Jubeth 70 2984 82
59 Vaara 70 2771 81
60 Spankthis 70 2969 76
60 Aimy 67 1986 76
61 Cyric 70 3464 71
62 Rascul 70 2231 70
62 Deha 70 1724 70
63 Chantea 70 7304 66
63 Savalina 70 2005 66
64 Ziks 70 3023 65
64 Trinitarius 70 3309 65
65 Mithrac 70 1819 64
66 Jergal 70 2056 63
67 Coleman 70 1381 62
68 Gwindel 70 2206 61
69 Providence 70 1075 60
70 Talentless 70 1661 58
71 Knossos 70 2821 57
71 Aelfred 70 4814 57
72 Barrett 70 2390 56
72 Duracell 70 2824 56
73 Balanced 70 3492 55
74 Purp 70 1015 54
75 Axecusemesir 70 4454 52
76 Ohlu 70 2414 51
77 Proxih 70 1877 50
77 Feemm 70 1561 50
77 Amarok 70 1851 50
77 Armus 70 1754 50
78 Lockedlock 70 1616 49
79 Unholysaymon 70 2231 48
80 Cooties 70 1804 45
80 Mariaduca 70 1123 45
80 Thrillerbark 70 2427 45
81 Ascetico 70 1480 44